We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Waiters, Waitresses, Chefs, Cooks, Commis, Pastry Chefs, Kitchen Helpers, Cleaners, Dish Washers, Bar Tenders, Baristas, Front Desk Officers, IT Officers. The hospitality sector is one of our strengths.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Civil Engineers, Project Engineers, Project Managers, Forman- Plumbing, Foreman Civil, Carpenter, Concrete Finisher, Surveyor Assistant, Mason, Tile Fixer, Plaster Worker, Welders. The construction sector is one of our strengths.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced House Maids, Gardeners, Bell Boys, Guards, Waiters, Waitresses, Chefs, Cooks, Commis, Pastry Chefs, Kitchen Helpers, Cleaners, Dish Washers, Bar Tenders, Baristas, Front Desk Officers, IT Officers. The hospitality sector is one of our strengths.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Security Personnel, Body Guard, Security Incharge, Watchman, VVIP Escort. The Retired Army and Retired Police of Nepal have proven to be of best security service for many of our clients.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Salesmen, Shelves Rack Organizers, checkout Cashiers, Trolley Boys, Cleaners, Store Keepers, Security Guards, Drivers – Logistics.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Heavy Equipment Operator, Heavy Duty Driver, Light duty Driver, Crane Operator, Shovel Operator, Forklift Operator, Chauffer, Personal Driver.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Electrical Engineer, Forman- Electrical, Electrical Supervisor, Electrical Technician, Cable Joiner H.T, Electrical Helper, Factory Labour, Factory Helper.

We have a pool of very well trained and experienced Gardener, Farmer, Fish Cleaner, and Fish Cutting experts.

Production Operation

Wholesale / Retails


We provide employees on different medical sectors.